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Notare che entrambi I programmi zsplit and unzsplit sono liberi per il download e la distribuzione. Sebbene siano protetti dalla licenza GNU GPL2.

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Tutti i profitti andranno nell’ambiente del progetto e del tempo di sviluppo.


Questo documento descrive un’impostazione che consente un salvataggio-ripristino locale.
dell’intero disco o partizioni separate usando i programmi zsplit/unzsplit.



source tar ball zsplit version 1.2.0 MD5 Checksum [ f760ae05755b455aca4807a5ffc2414d ]

source tar ball unzsplit version 1.2.0 MD5 Checksum [ 5aee227b8355f92a6eb80484fb05ff4a ]




zsplit-1.2.0.ebuild MD5 Checksum file: digest-zsplit-1.2.0

unzsplit-1.2.0.ebuild MD5 Checksum file: digest-unzsplit-1.2.0


zsplit_1.2.0-1_i386.deb MD5 Checksum [ 4ce5b909b44253be7b8525a77bf76463 ]

unzsplit_1.2.0-1_i386.deb MD5 Checksum [ 10f5e6a6348dc90145a2bbd0f7e96566 ]


zsplit-1.2.0-1.i386.rpm MD5 Checksum [ 8c84ae1be853a6bd198ed75d9106252f ]

unzsplit-1.2.0-1.i386.rpm MD5 Checksum [ 53413f26e44329af405b2225de0c4c2c ]


Eseguibili, dynamic linking:


binary tar ball zsplit i586 version 1.2.0 glibc 2.2.5 MD5 [ f91eb4d20a7cb27a6b0342fb8c7be19d ]

binary tar ball zsplit i686 version 1.2.0 glibc 2.3.4 MD5 [ 58cb18e6645126c3dfa9804a5d9324bf ]


binary tar ball unzsplit i586 version 1.2.0 glibc 2.2.5 MD5 [ 2a6ee2de78f5ddd128c8b0b55e76b185 ]

binary tar ball unzsplit i686 version 1.2.0 glibc 2.3.4 MD5 [ eb36c8337ed5a29e95e63c7157774c4b ]


Eseguibili, static linking:

binary tar ball zsplit static version 1.2.0 MD5 [ 24fd829090e221bffd98649c648c66e1 ]

binary tar ball unzsplit static version 1.2.0 MD5 [ ed46c8ac632ba1fa4ced2c0880f19d52 ]


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07.07.2007: DeviceImage software goes commercial. Please see here for details.

28.11.2006: Broadening multilanguage option of the homepage. Italian translation has been added. Thank you very much Gianfranco!

14.03.2006: Added mini-HowTo your feedback is very appreciated

27.09.2005: Broadening a multilanguage homepage, Spanish translation has been added, thank you very much Jose!

05.06.2005: zspli/unzsplit version 1.2.0 has been released, please see release notes. Also DeviceImage-LiveCD is now available.

08.04.2005: started multilanguage version of DeviceImage homepage + Forum.

06.03.2005: zsplit/unzsplit version 1.0.1 has been released, please see release notes.